Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Recently some things happened in my life that shows me a little fact that I never know:

1.I discovered that there’s so many worm in my neighborhood’s land, I found it when I jogging around my neighborhood‘s, this fact is a bit weird coz the land isn’t soil but aspal, where’s this worm come from? And the fact tht they life n move well.n there's still lot of animal there, cat, dog, chicken, cattepillar, flies, etc.

2.I discovered that selling is very much harder than buying, I found this uneasy fact when I got to sell my –after repaired but yet another broken site occurred- hand phone, they even bargain lower b lower than I could realize, this things really sucks, my warning for you who have hand phones:

a.if its flip or clam shell be careful very CAREFULL especially with the ericsson type, coz when u drop it even a bit, u might broke its LCD, and it’s cost you more than 300 thousand rupiah’s, n there’s still a big possibilities that the service caused another broken site n they will never responsible for that, n yea coz u even more expensive.

b.Don’t sell u’r handphones when u see that the price is really unfair for you, coz they just waiting for the moment when u fell that u’ll never find other higher price, while u just believe that u’r cell worth for higher price, believe me that they r so tacky.

3.J.CO donut’s really have a big power to make Dunkin Donuts’s waitress curious bout it’s taste, I found this funny fact when I’m in delta n passing through Dunkin donuts vendor n we saw that the all waitress hiding behind the cashier table to together eat J.CO donuts that just open they other franchise in delta.

there might still alot of things that i hadn't discover yet..so wait for the next post.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

a things that you need to know

is an essential mineral macronutrient in human nutrition; it is the major cation (positive ion) inside animal cells, and it is thus
important in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.

A shortage of potassium in body fluids may cause a potentially fatal condition known as hypokalemia (see article for detail), typically resulting from diarrhoea, increased diuresis and vomiting. Deficiency symptoms include muscle weakness, paralytic ileus, ECG abnormalities, decreased reflex response and (in severe cases) respiratory paralysis, alkalosis and arrhythmia.

Eating a variety of foods that contain potassium is the best way to get an adequate amount. Healthy individuals who eat a balanced diet rarely need supplements. Foods with high sources of potassium include orange juice, potatoes, bananas, soybeans, avocados, apricots, pomegranates, parsnips and turnips, although many other fruits, vegetables, and meats contain potassium. Research has indicated that diets high in potassium can reduce the risk of hypertension.

jadi rek, teman2ku yang tercinta yang notabene kalian adalah makhluk yang terpelajar (walopun bukan seorang chemist) janganlah salah kaprah dan salah paham, dan lagi kalo gak ngerti terus dikasih tau tuh didengerin jangan dikacangin aja. bahwa sebenarnya kata2 yang sering sekali kalian ucapkan akhir2 ini (trutama teguh, anggi, n dodi) adalah kesalahan, bahwa hal yg kukatakan tentang potassium alias kalium itu bener dan jauh dari arti kata yg kalian maksutkan. sebenernya yang kalian maksutin itu mungkin potas (bahasa indonesia n basanya para nelayan untuk kalium nitrat ato kalium kromat yg dipake buat peledak). jadi tolong jadilah mahasiswa (trutama debater) yang bener, pake basa yang tepat dan jangan asal. coba bayangin kalo kalian ngomong "racun aja ama potasium" didepan debater ato orang yg tau lainnya, pasti memalukan kan??