waiting is such a super boring activity tht i believe no one ever full hearted every doin it, especially when the person tht we're waiting for having a big tendency to delayed the meetin. and the most hatefull things occur when we're on a waitin list is when the honourable waited person (TWP) appears with no even a hint of guilty, a bit of apologize, and a pity for the person tht already wait for them. the other super suffering thing is when TWP's rarely send the message or do communicating about the lateness report, because the tendency action tht will done buy a person tht waiting in vain are:
1. they will attemp to waiting unpatient, with eyes directed at the entrance door, looking for the person tht they're waitin for
2. they will be soo unfocused, whatever they do, whatever they read, eat, or listen will never digested as 100 %, so less than 50% especially when it's an important meetin tht will decide the waiter's future.
3. they'll be a super sharp thinker, wht i mean is tht the waiter will somehow become a psychic, the'll able to think tht TWP is having a bad situation or even an accident during the journey to the "place" if they're think positively, but they'll become such a dreamer when they think tht TWP are late coz they're want to have such a revenge to the waiter or just want to make the waiter waiting even more longer coz the'll fell happy with tht, if they think negatively. but most all the waiter brain are easier to think in negative way (i think)
4. and they will trying so hard to give an impression of "i'm ok, even u make me wait for 4 hour in vain", they'll smile wide and hoping tht TWP appears with a bouquet of apologize n feelin sorry for us.
tht's my idea n opinion about a waiter's mind, i dont know wht happends in TWP's head when they make us wait and suddenly the come n said " tht's wht's waiting calling (:suffered)", for me this is just another expression of a person tht never try to feels wht other ppl's feelin, or commonly known as "egoist" kinda stuff. hmmn BTW ths is just an opinion..."what you say?"
Friday, April 27, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
what a bizzy life
"picture perfect"
by monkey majik + M-flo
by monkey majik + M-flo
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind
It's the evening, and you've been complaining
About our situation and all my deceiving
I know that everything is going slow
And if you want to feel better
I can tell you that it's going to be great
Yeah it's going to be good
Oh! but i would be lying to you
But these days, i'm changing
Meeting new faces
Now how am i supposed to be?
My feelings for you seem to be changing
Looking back don't look back on me
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind
Inakute mo ii i wanted to be free
About our situation and all my deceiving
I know that everything is going slow
And if you want to feel better
I can tell you that it's going to be great
Yeah it's going to be good
Oh! but i would be lying to you
But these days, i'm changing
Meeting new faces
Now how am i supposed to be?
My feelings for you seem to be changing
Looking back don't look back on me
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind
Inakute mo ii i wanted to be free
Inaku natte mo ii i wanted her to leave
It's kind of hard to see ... when the world tunnel-visioned me
Motometeta ai no katachi
They say believe in what you can't see
Demo mawari no candy ga sweet de hard to think
Atama de wa comprehend shite mo koudou ni utsuse n
My eyes on the rikutsu, the truth's here listen
Chase shite mo chase shite mo things keep fleeting
Henna yumemite ta i must have been sleeping
Tooku samayou maeni chikaku wo seek it
Yoku mite mireba kokoro ni wa beacon
Of light sashite, sagashite ta thing's here
Omotta yori near, close to your hemisphere
Imade wa clear 20/20 cuz i'mma share
Subete and i don't care if they think i'm weird
There there nobody thinks you're weird
Ya see, i've been through it all before
And the same thing happened to me
Kinishi nai "wounds heal with time"
But in the meanwhile...
I'll show what i mean
Let's think of it another way
Everything we do and say defines who we are
As we live out each day
What we did was wrong at the time
But it helps us go back and rewind
It's a mistake but it ain't no crime
Kasanariau no sa tsumari sore ga ai
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind
I said goodbye
I didn't know that it would all turn out this way
But now i know i realise
And i can learn from my mistakes
But these days, i'm changing
Meeting new faces
Now how am i supposed to be?
My feelings for you seem to be changing
Looking back don't look back on me
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind...
It's kind of hard to see ... when the world tunnel-visioned me
Motometeta ai no katachi
They say believe in what you can't see
Demo mawari no candy ga sweet de hard to think
Atama de wa comprehend shite mo koudou ni utsuse n
My eyes on the rikutsu, the truth's here listen
Chase shite mo chase shite mo things keep fleeting
Henna yumemite ta i must have been sleeping
Tooku samayou maeni chikaku wo seek it
Yoku mite mireba kokoro ni wa beacon
Of light sashite, sagashite ta thing's here
Omotta yori near, close to your hemisphere
Imade wa clear 20/20 cuz i'mma share
Subete and i don't care if they think i'm weird
There there nobody thinks you're weird
Ya see, i've been through it all before
And the same thing happened to me
Kinishi nai "wounds heal with time"
But in the meanwhile...
I'll show what i mean
Let's think of it another way
Everything we do and say defines who we are
As we live out each day
What we did was wrong at the time
But it helps us go back and rewind
It's a mistake but it ain't no crime
Kasanariau no sa tsumari sore ga ai
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind
I said goodbye
I didn't know that it would all turn out this way
But now i know i realise
And i can learn from my mistakes
But these days, i'm changing
Meeting new faces
Now how am i supposed to be?
My feelings for you seem to be changing
Looking back don't look back on me
All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind...
i love this song, and i found that the lyrics also yea inspiring. this part ...
"....Kinishi nai (:dont care bout tht)"wounds heal with time"
But in the meanwhile...
I'll show what i mean
Let's think of it another way
Everything we do and say defines who we are
As we live out each day
What we did was wrong at the time
But it helps us go back and rewind
It's a mistake but it ain't no crime...."
this part really show us lesson to do good if we want to be a good person and do whatever u want to be the whatever person. get lesson n be a good singer.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
ATTENTION please!!!
Women n men can b friends only, without any silly things lurking inside. Every special things occur between me n nyo2pi, a special moldy old bedsheet, special debt, special lunch time, and special friendship. We might ceased u with our gestures and sounds but this is nothin but a…wht am I say….ummm…drama?? Metabolism excess?? Affection?? anything but what u r thinkin. Comfort will seize the day…
So the conclusion is

Dan gak usah cari masalah dengan bikin gossip gila, ato tanya berulang-ulang. Kalo pengen ngegodain monggo2 aja, paling kalo bosen n bete ya disambit sandal beracun aja. biarkan kita hidup tenang, aman, nyaman, sehat sentosa, happily ever after.. merci
So the conclusion is
Dan gak usah cari masalah dengan bikin gossip gila, ato tanya berulang-ulang. Kalo pengen ngegodain monggo2 aja, paling kalo bosen n bete ya disambit sandal beracun aja. biarkan kita hidup tenang, aman, nyaman, sehat sentosa, happily ever after.. merci
hot news,
just friend,
press release
Michan n nyo2pi journey
Living for so many years in surabaya, this is the first time I have a cool journey by walking in some main street in surabaya. Di awali dengan keinginan kita ngeliat koleksi musim hujan tugu pahlawan’s collections maka:
pada hari minggu kuturut nyo2 ke kota
naik bemo istimewa ku duduk deket jendela
kududuk samping mas nyopi yang sdang terpana
memandangi jalan yang sedang ramai suasananya.
(hehehe berima bo’)
Setelah perjalanan yang sdikit gak meyakinkan, (secara aku dah beberapa taun gak pernah naek bemo lagi, dan nyo2 mengandalkan pengetahuan perbemoannya yg masih awam) akhirnya nyampe juga secara tidak sengaja (pas kusadari ada sekumpulan penjual pakaian musim hujan yang sangat menarik, ternyata emang itulah tempat yg dtuju). Disamping tugu pahlawan tuh memang heaven buat brand n quality surfer sperti ku, pusat perbelanjaan baju second yang terbesar di surabaya (menurut aq).ternyata manajemen penjual disini lbih tertata dibanding GTC (gembong trends collections), disini pakaian dipilah berdasarkan klasifikasi masing2, ada section kaos cowok, knitting, jumper, jaket, clana, dll, dan juga mnurutku pakaian yg dijual lebih bersih, gak bdebu kayak GTC. Aku sangat antusias menyibak2kan sederet pakaian, dan akhrnya kutemukan smacam jaket gaul made in korea dengan rantai2 kmilau (pa’an c) dan 2 buah cardigan dengan harga 25rb utk smuanya. Trus stelah capek searching akhirnya kita memutuskan menikmati traditional beverage “es Cincau” sribuan, haus lega uang masih bersisa. Kmudian journey dilanjutkan ke delta plaza (masih dengan bus istimewa), dan ternyata bus patas ac yang tak sengaja kita tumpangi Cuma jalan nyampe hotel simpang, walhasil kita harus jalan ampe delta, dan karna niatnya have fun kita nikmati jalan panjang itu, yang foto2 di halte dulu lah, yang ngliat reog di balai pmuda (skrg sring ada aksi bginian, mnyambut sparkling surabaya d kyknya), trus akhrnya dg prut kroncongan dan dikejar waktu nyampe juga d.

stelah makan nasi padang daging super kenyal tak tertahankan di pujasera samping delta (journey yg kere critanya) sgera kita nyari toilet utk membasuh muka dan do retouch in order to keep this life balance (opo coba?). yahh…perjalanan kali ini brakhir di delta, satu pelajaran yang kuambil dari journey kali ini yaitu: pake sunscreen, tabir surya, uv reflector, mosquito repeller, kacamata item, topi safari, lengan panjang, back pack, air, duit receh, dan last but not least peta surabaya, kalo smua ini terpenuhi dijamin journey will run well n save happily ever after.
Rencana journey slanjutnya…..KBS (Kbon Binatang bau n super panas Surabaya)
pada hari minggu kuturut nyo2 ke kota
naik bemo istimewa ku duduk deket jendela
kududuk samping mas nyopi yang sdang terpana
memandangi jalan yang sedang ramai suasananya.
(hehehe berima bo’)
Setelah perjalanan yang sdikit gak meyakinkan, (secara aku dah beberapa taun gak pernah naek bemo lagi, dan nyo2 mengandalkan pengetahuan perbemoannya yg masih awam) akhirnya nyampe juga secara tidak sengaja (pas kusadari ada sekumpulan penjual pakaian musim hujan yang sangat menarik, ternyata emang itulah tempat yg dtuju). Disamping tugu pahlawan tuh memang heaven buat brand n quality surfer sperti ku, pusat perbelanjaan baju second yang terbesar di surabaya (menurut aq).ternyata manajemen penjual disini lbih tertata dibanding GTC (gembong trends collections), disini pakaian dipilah berdasarkan klasifikasi masing2, ada section kaos cowok, knitting, jumper, jaket, clana, dll, dan juga mnurutku pakaian yg dijual lebih bersih, gak bdebu kayak GTC. Aku sangat antusias menyibak2kan sederet pakaian, dan akhrnya kutemukan smacam jaket gaul made in korea dengan rantai2 kmilau (pa’an c) dan 2 buah cardigan dengan harga 25rb utk smuanya. Trus stelah capek searching akhirnya kita memutuskan menikmati traditional beverage “es Cincau” sribuan, haus lega uang masih bersisa. Kmudian journey dilanjutkan ke delta plaza (masih dengan bus istimewa), dan ternyata bus patas ac yang tak sengaja kita tumpangi Cuma jalan nyampe hotel simpang, walhasil kita harus jalan ampe delta, dan karna niatnya have fun kita nikmati jalan panjang itu, yang foto2 di halte dulu lah, yang ngliat reog di balai pmuda (skrg sring ada aksi bginian, mnyambut sparkling surabaya d kyknya), trus akhrnya dg prut kroncongan dan dikejar waktu nyampe juga d.
stelah makan nasi padang daging super kenyal tak tertahankan di pujasera samping delta (journey yg kere critanya) sgera kita nyari toilet utk membasuh muka dan do retouch in order to keep this life balance (opo coba?). yahh…perjalanan kali ini brakhir di delta, satu pelajaran yang kuambil dari journey kali ini yaitu: pake sunscreen, tabir surya, uv reflector, mosquito repeller, kacamata item, topi safari, lengan panjang, back pack, air, duit receh, dan last but not least peta surabaya, kalo smua ini terpenuhi dijamin journey will run well n save happily ever after.
Rencana journey slanjutnya…..KBS (Kbon Binatang bau n super panas Surabaya)
es cincau,
second clothing
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